2020-S5 Josh's Double Bacon Deluxe - Brute Force

2020-S5 Josh's Double Bacon Deluxe - Brute Force Solution


This is the algorithm that we created in the third key insight section. This algorithm completes the first two subtasks sucessfully but runs out of time on the third.

Read Input

#define MAX_N 1000000
#define MAX_M 500001

int n;
int choices[MAX_N];
int last[MAX_M] = { -1 };

#define coach choices[0]
#define josh  choices[n - 1]

std::map<int, int> last_by_pos;

void read_input() {
	scanf("%d", &n);
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		scanf("%d", &choices[i]);
		last[choices[i]] = i;

	for (int i = 1; i < MAX_M; i++) {
		if (last[i] != -1 && i != coach && i != josh)
			last_by_pos.emplace(last[i], i);


double solve() {
	if (coach == josh)
		return 1.;

	double *solutions = new double[MAX_N];
	int *burgers = new int[MAX_M];
	memset(burgers, 0, MAX_M * sizeof(int));


	int i = n - 2;

	for (auto it = last_by_pos.crbegin(); it != last_by_pos.crend(); it++) {
		for (; i > it->first; i--)

		double prob = (double)burgers[coach] / (double)(n - i);

		for (auto sub_it = last_by_pos.crbegin(); sub_it != it; sub_it++) {
			prob += ((double)burgers[sub_it->second] / (double)(n - i)) * solutions[sub_it->first];

		solutions[it->first] = prob;

	for (; i > 0; i--)

	double prob = (double)burgers[coach] / (double)(n - i);

	for (auto it = last_by_pos.crbegin(); it != last_by_pos.crend(); it++) {
		prob += ((double)burgers[it->second] / (double)(n - i)) * solutions[it->first];

	delete[] solutions;
	delete[] burgers;

	return prob;


int main() {
	double prob = solve();
	printf("%.10f", prob);