2020-S4 Swapping Seats - Solution
Read Input
#define MAX_N 1000000
int n;
char data[MAX_N + 2];
static void read_input() {
fgets(data, sizeof(data), stdin);
n = strlen(data);
if (data[n - 1] == '\n') {
data[n - 1] == '\0';
Declare a struct to use to keep track of the totals for the ranges and a method to fill it by counting up the elements in a range:
struct counts {
int a = 0;
int b = 0;
int c = 0;
#define INC(d, ch) switch((ch)) { case 'A': (d).a++; break; case 'B': (d).b++; break; case 'C': (d).c++; break; default: exit(1); }
#define DEC(d, ch) switch((ch)) { case 'A': (d).a--; break; case 'B': (d).b--; break; case 'C': (d).c--; break; default: exit(1); }
static counts count_range(int start, int end) {
counts c;
for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
INC(c, data[i])
return c;
Compute Swaps
Compute the swaps required to move the people into specified ranges:
* Compute the number of swaps required to rearrange the people so that the A's
* will be in the range represented by counts a and vice versa for B's and C's.
static int compute_swaps(counts total, counts a, counts b, counts c) {
int swaps = 0;
/* move all of the a's to the a range */
swaps += b.a;
swaps += c.a;
if (a.b > b.a) {
/* the a range has two many b's */
b.b += b.a;
c.b += (a.b - b.a);
} else {
/* the a range has two many c's */
c.c += c.a;
b.c += (a.c - c.a);
/* swap the b's and c's */
swaps += b.c;
return swaps;
#define WRAP(i) (((i) >= n) ? ((i) - n) : ((i)))
* Iterate through all of the possible positions (n) along the circular table
* and return the minimum number of swaps required to rearrange the people
* into ranges specified by the starting indices, sa, sb, sc.
static int solve_ranges(counts total, int sa, int sb, int sc) {
counts a = count_range(sa, sa + total.a);
counts b = count_range(sb, sb + total.b);
counts c = count_range(sc, sc + total.c);
int best = compute_swaps(total, a, b, c);
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
DEC(a, data[WRAP(sa)]);
DEC(b, data[WRAP(sb)]);
DEC(c, data[WRAP(sc)]);
INC(a, data[WRAP(sa + total.a)]);
INC(b, data[WRAP(sb + total.b)]);
INC(c, data[WRAP(sc + total.c)]);
best = std::min(best, compute_swaps(total, a, b, c));
return best;
static int solve() {
counts total = count_range(0, n);
if (total.a == 0 && total.b == 0)
return 0;
else if (total.b == 0 && total.c == 0)
return 0;
else if (total.a == 0 && total.c == 0)
return 0;
int best = INT_MAX;
/* ABC also BCA and CAB */
best = std::min(best, solve_ranges(total, 0, total.a, total.a + total.b));
/* CBA also BAC and ACB */
best = std::min(best, solve_ranges(total, total.c + total.b, total.c, 0));
return best;
int main() {
int swaps = solve();
printf("%d", swaps);