2016-S5 Circle of Life - Solution

2016-S5 Circle of Life - Solution

Declare Variables

int *oldGeneration;
int *newGeneration;
int n;
long long t;

Read Inputs and Write Output

void readInput()
    std::cin >> n >> t;
    oldGeneration = new int[n];
    newGeneration = new int[n];
    std::string input;
    std::getline(std::cin, input);
    std::getline(std::cin, input);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        if (input.c_str()[i] == '0')
            oldGeneration[i] = 0;
            oldGeneration[i] = 1;
void writeOutput()
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        std::cout << oldGeneration[i];
    delete oldGeneration;
    delete newGeneration;

Get Cyclic Pointer

The list of cells wraps around. We need a function that given a cyclic index returns the real index of the cell.

int getCyclicPointer(long long cyclicIndex)
    long long nonCyclicIndex = cyclicIndex % n;
    if (nonCyclicIndex < 0)
        return n + nonCyclicIndex;
        return nonCyclicIndex;

Simulate Generations

void simulateGenerations(long long numberOfGenerations)  //Number of generation must be a power of two
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        newGeneration[i] = oldGeneration[getCyclicPointer(i - numberOfGenerations)] ^ oldGeneration[getCyclicPointer(i + numberOfGenerations)];

Swap Generation Pointers

void swapGenerationPointers()
    int* intermediate = oldGeneration;
    oldGeneration = newGeneration;
    newGeneration = intermediate;

Get Largest Power of Two

long long getLargestPowerOfTwo(long long max)
    unsigned long long powerOfTwo = 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
        powerOfTwo <<= 1;
        if (powerOfTwo > max)
            powerOfTwo >>= 1;
            return (long long)powerOfTwo;
    return 0;

Main Method

int main()
    long long generationsLeft = t;
    while (generationsLeft > 0)
        long long largestPowerOfTwo = getLargestPowerOfTwo(generationsLeft);
        generationsLeft -= largestPowerOfTwo;
    return 0;