2016-CCOQR-Q3 Data Structure - Solution
Reading Inputs
The input is simply read into a point vector. Note that the row is adjusted to be from the bottom and the columns is set to start from 0.
typedef struct {
long row;
long col;
} point;
long totalRows;
long totalPoints;
std::vector<point> points;
void read_input()
std::cin >> totalRows >> totalPoints;
for (int i=0;i<totalPoints;i++)
long row,col;
std::cin >> row >> col;
// Adjust rows and columns
point p;
p.row = totalRows - row + 1;
p.col = col-1;
// Save in vector
Sort The Points
The points need to be sorted for this method to work.
bool compare_points(point a,point b)
return (a.col<b.col);
void sort_points()
// Sort Points
Point Access Methods
The algorithm needs to know if one or more points exist at this column and if they what the maximum row (from bottom to top).
int curPoint = 0;
bool is_there_point_at_this_column(long column)
if (curPoint >= totalPoints)
return false;
if (points[curPoint].col == column)
return true;
return false;
long get_maximum_rows_at_column(long column)
long maxRows = 0;
while (is_there_point_at_this_column(column) == true)
if (points[curPoint].row > maxRows)
maxRows = points[curPoint].row;
return maxRows;
This method goes through all the columns and computes the total sum of the rows above each column while maintaining the previous row count.
void solve()
long long totalSum = 0;
long prevRow = 0;
// Process the columns
for (long col=0;col<totalRows;col++)
// Is there a point on this column
if (is_there_point_at_this_column(col))
// Get the maximum rows on this column (there might be multiple points)
long rows = get_maximum_rows_at_column(col);
// Only if we are higher than previous rows do we store this value
if (rows > prevRow)
prevRow = rows;
// Add the row count to the sum
totalSum += prevRow;
// Reduct the row count by one until we are at zero
if (prevRow > 0)
// Write Result
std::cout << totalSum;